by christopherinoa | May 19, 2016 | New York City stories of Compelling Issues Spring 2016, Spring 2016, Spring 2016 Stories of Amazing New York City Characters, Video Storytelling
Rachel Merrill has been reading comics since she was a kid. Starting from Japanese manga and moving onwards to classics like Neil Gaiman’s “Sandman”; Merrill has always found inspiration for her art through comics. She plans on making more in the...
by Victoria Edwards | Feb 7, 2016 | Fantastic s16 Film Festival FOUR, Fantastic s16 Film Festival TWO, Spring 2016, Tremendous_s16 Film Festival FIVE, Video Storytelling
by Emilie Pons | Mar 1, 2015 | 2015_Spring, Team Fantastic Spring 2015, Video Storytelling, Where does this go?
by Emilie Pons | Feb 22, 2015 | 2015_Spring, s2015_Fff4, Team Fantastic Spring 2015, Video Storytelling
by gabrielaalonso | Feb 8, 2015 | 2015_Spring, bob sacha, s2015_Fff2, Team Fantastic Spring 2015, Video Storytelling
by bob.sacha | Feb 10, 2014 | bob sacha, future, mobile, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
Philadelphia photojournalist and videographer Jim MacMillan has an idea to use his smartphone and his small point and shoot camera to cover breaking news and features, automatically upload them to his website and send out tweets to news stations to alert them to new...
by bob.sacha | Aug 23, 2013 | bob sacha, interview, music, still photos, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
You’ll be doing your first assignment in a crew of two. I’ve worked alone, in a crew of two and in a larger crew too. For me, two is the perfect number. I’d always rather work with someone else than by myself. Here’s a nice story done by two...
by bob.sacha | Aug 23, 2013 | bob sacha, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
A great video story unfolds, in real time, and the visuals tell a story. (The web is a visual medium, otherwise the SONY Walkman would still be the device of choice.) Also, since it’s the World Wide Web, a great video story can go viral even if you don’t...
by bob.sacha | Aug 19, 2013 | bob sacha, editing, interview, story, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
A nice behind-the-scenes story and links set of films from Steffan Hacker, who is working to make boring stories interesting as a multimedia producer at Tuft’s University.
by Almudena Toral | Aug 14, 2013 | Almudena Toral, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
THIS (These Canadians, again…) THIS [editors note: this is some of the smartest interactive storytelling in the online world today. AND it’s government supported…ok, it’s the Canadian Government..bob sacha]
by bob.sacha | Jul 23, 2013 | bob sacha, story, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
” Now everybody is a photographer, everybody is a film maker, everybody is a writer.” So what will set YOU apart? take a minute, yes, just a minute and check this> Would you pay $12.50 to see the rest of this?
by Brianne Barry | May 19, 2013 | - New York Stories of Fascinating People, Spring 2013, 2013 Spring, assignment TWO, New York Stories of Fascinating People, Spring 2013, Samantha Stark, Video Storytelling
Forever Lolita – by Brianne Barry For a majority of New Yorkers fashion is the last thing brought to mind when they hear the term Lolita. Imported from Japan and gaining ground in New York City, Lolita is slowly becoming a style mainstay. Yanise Cabrera, 23,...
by bob.sacha | Sep 5, 2012 | bob sacha, future, no interviews, story, unfolding action, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
David Mamet is an amazing writer, known for his award winning plays, screenplays, books and televisi on shows. He’s also a director and he has a quite famous rant in the form of a letter that he wrote to writers of The Unit, a TV show since cancelled. It shows...
by bob.sacha | Sep 2, 2012 | bob sacha, story, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
Adam Westbrook has a cool post on How To Make Boring Things Interesting in Video. At the least, when you think of a story for video, run it through this flowchart. Remember that a story and a topic are two very different things. A topic is a broad subject, like...
by bob.sacha | Apr 25, 2012 | bob sacha, interview, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
The length of an online video isn’t that important, unless it’s too long. What’s important is that people remember it. Here’s two from “60 second Film School.” and another about why every story–print, audio, or...