by bob.sacha | Aug 23, 2013 | bob sacha, interview, music, still photos, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
You’ll be doing your first assignment in a crew of two. I’ve worked alone, in a crew of two and in a larger crew too. For me, two is the perfect number. I’d always rather work with someone else than by myself. Here’s a nice story done by two...
by bob.sacha | Feb 7, 2013 | bob sacha, place, still photos, What's New? the Blog
Why should I care about a backpack? Marketing people are using emotional storytelling to sell their products. Why? Because it works! Here are two online videos from LL Bean: This one uses a lot of still photos. It also has a journey in a non narrated interview. ...
by bob.sacha | Mar 16, 2012 | bob sacha, music, no interviews, still photos, What's New? the Blog
Here’s a story with no interview (but a story that transmits an amazing amount of information). You’ll notice he used still pictures too. America’s Dead Sea by Jim Lo Scalzo winner of third prize in the 2012 World Press...
by bob.sacha | Mar 7, 2012 | bob sacha, still photos, unfolding action, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
this morning I was chatting with Andrew Devigal, the NYTimes Multimedia editor. He told me about judging the POYi contest for multimedia. He also sent a link to one of his favorite pieces, Afrikaner Blood, the first video on this list. He told me he thought the piece...
by bob.sacha | Feb 7, 2012 | bob sacha, still photos, unfolding action, What's New? the Blog
Two examples of cinematic storytelling in a long form non-fiction story, both on the same story from Esquire and from GQ, both in the same month. Notice how details build the anticipation and power of the opening, especially in the Esquire piece. That’s one...
by bob.sacha | Jan 17, 2012 | advocacy, bob sacha, interview, still photos, What's New? the Blog
John X. Carey mixes stills and video, video portraits, different interview styles and some wild editing, color grading and cool typography into an award winning short advocacy film. My favorite line is spoken by one of the characters. “Go! Go forward!”...
by bob.sacha | Sep 22, 2011 | bob sacha, interview, still photos, story, What's New? the Blog
I love the radio show On The Media, hosted by Brooke Gladstone and Bob Garfield. It’s a show about us! I also enjoyed the story Brooke Gladstone tells to explain her book, The Influencing Machine.. Remember, great radio is about pictures....
by bob.sacha | Sep 15, 2011 | bob sacha, issue, still photos, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
One of your class projects must use still photography so I wanted to pass along Starved For Attention, a site that was both inspirational and inventive on many levels: storytelling, web design, community interaction. While there are several stories on the page–...