by Emilie Pons | Feb 1, 2015 | music, s2015_Fff1, Team Fantastic Spring 2015, Where does this go?
by bob.sacha | Aug 23, 2013 | bob sacha, interview, music, still photos, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
You’ll be doing your first assignment in a crew of two. I’ve worked alone, in a crew of two and in a larger crew too. For me, two is the perfect number. I’d always rather work with someone else than by myself. Here’s a nice story done by two...
by bob.sacha | Aug 26, 2012 | bob sacha, ethics, music, story, What's New? the Blog
A fellow journalist & teacher recently told me he was surprised that we used music with our stories in this class. There’s no doubt that music has a tremendous power to change the way people feel about a story. I know I wouldn’t use music with a news...
by bob.sacha | Aug 4, 2012 | advocacy, bob sacha, editing, issue, music, no interviews, What's New? the Blog
Here’s a lovely example of a powerful story using strong close-ups and a simple unfolding action. There is no interview, no narrator. It has great use of sound, editing techniques and music to build to a crescendo....
by bob.sacha | Jul 5, 2012 | bob sacha, editing, issue, music, sequence, story, What's New? the Blog
The first minute of this trailer is brilliant, especially in the way they marry the images and sound to give a greater meaning to each (check out the great effect of words and pictures at 00.45). I love the story too. They did a really wonderful job of making a boring...
by bob.sacha | Mar 21, 2012 | advocacy, bob sacha, music, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
I was struck with the beautiful visuals in this story, shot by Rick Gershon , a staff producer at MediaStorm. You can see that Rick’s sequential shooting and his use of closeups make this a very powerful visual story. You can watch a shorter version of the story...
by bob.sacha | Mar 16, 2012 | bob sacha, music, no interviews, still photos, What's New? the Blog
Here’s a story with no interview (but a story that transmits an amazing amount of information). You’ll notice he used still pictures too. America’s Dead Sea by Jim Lo Scalzo winner of third prize in the 2012 World Press...
by bob.sacha | Feb 7, 2012 | bob sacha, editing, music, no interviews, Video Storytelling
Samuel Ebat used some cool edit tricks in his video 270 Seconds of Summer . Ask me and I can explain how he did most of them....
by bob.sacha | Feb 6, 2012 | bob sacha, interview, music, story, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
Wonderful short story about a person, non narrated, hooks you immediately in the first sentence and expands out to the universal idea. and a nice deconstruction of why it works from Tucker Walsh, a former student and super talented...
by bob.sacha | Dec 11, 2011 | bob sacha, ethics, music, What's New? the Blog
An interesting post from a wedding videographer who got busted for using popular music without permission in one of his wedding videos. He ended up paying 5 figures or “$$ xx,xxx.00” in damages, as he describes it because the settlement is sealed. So, at...
by bob.sacha | Dec 10, 2011 | bob sacha, music, unfolding action, What's New? the Blog
This should have been boring: a short film about a guy making a drawing. But shooting sequences helps add visual variety. Nice motion graphics too....
by bob.sacha | Nov 7, 2011 | bob sacha, music, no interviews, story, unfolding action, What's New? the Blog
Here are two stories told without a single word: First, an Indian barber shop in New Delhi… Tom Pietrasik, who made the short, provides some insight into his tools and also gives an interesting description of what it was like to obtain the rights to the music....
by bob.sacha | Oct 4, 2011 | bob sacha, music, no interviews, sequence, story, What's New? the Blog
A nice, short video story told without any words in 1.30. Remember, one of the remaining two assignments must be done without an interview.So watch the sequential storytelling here. ...
by bob.sacha | Sep 22, 2011 | bob sacha, music, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
Prices range from Free to $1.99 for personal use to buy music for your stories. “Over 45,000 tracks”