by bob.sacha | Aug 23, 2013 | bob sacha, interview, music, still photos, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
You’ll be doing your first assignment in a crew of two. I’ve worked alone, in a crew of two and in a larger crew too. For me, two is the perfect number. I’d always rather work with someone else than by myself. Here’s a nice story done by two...
by bob.sacha | Aug 23, 2013 | bob sacha, interview, What's New? the Blog
There’s been some discussion recently about where an interview subject should look during an on camera interview: to the left, to the right, straight into the camera? Like so many things in storytelling, I like to look to real life as my guide. For instance, I...
by bob.sacha | Aug 19, 2013 | bob sacha, editing, interview, story, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
A nice behind-the-scenes story and links set of films from Steffan Hacker, who is working to make boring stories interesting as a multimedia producer at Tuft’s University.
by bob.sacha | Oct 16, 2012 | bob sacha, editing, interview, story, unfolding action, What's New? the Blog
Really loved everything about this story, sent our way by CUNY VSW alum Mary Shell. this story has an amazing character who is thoughtful, reflective and very well spoken and who gives us some surprisng insights into what seems like a violent sport. The story has a...
by bob.sacha | Aug 27, 2012 | bob sacha, interview, What's New? the Blog
There are two reasons I’m not a fan of narration and voice over…. 1) Narration is often often pedantic and poorly written. I realize that it’s very difficult to write clever narration. So I don’t get why it’s overused by reporters who...
by bob.sacha | Apr 25, 2012 | bob sacha, interview, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
The length of an online video isn’t that important, unless it’s too long. What’s important is that people remember it. Here’s two from “60 second Film School.” and another about why every story–print, audio, or...
by bob.sacha | Mar 12, 2012 | bob sacha, interview, unfolding action, What's New? the Blog
I’m often complaining about 60 minutes because while they do great journalism, I’m not sure they do good tv; their mantra often seems to be “tell, don’t show.” But I thought they did a good job with a 60 minutes Overtime about Sanjay...
by bob.sacha | Mar 7, 2012 | bob sacha, interview, What's New? the Blog
Really nice radio story on Marketplace radio tonight, Alex Chadwick interviewing an American nuclear tech who was at the Daiichi Nuclear power plant. There’s a great moment in this video too. I love how Chadwick just shuts up and listens to Carl Pillitteri as he...
by bob.sacha | Feb 6, 2012 | bob sacha, interview, music, story, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
Wonderful short story about a person, non narrated, hooks you immediately in the first sentence and expands out to the universal idea. and a nice deconstruction of why it works from Tucker Walsh, a former student and super talented...
by bob.sacha | Jan 17, 2012 | advocacy, bob sacha, interview, still photos, What's New? the Blog
John X. Carey mixes stills and video, video portraits, different interview styles and some wild editing, color grading and cool typography into an award winning short advocacy film. My favorite line is spoken by one of the characters. “Go! Go forward!”...
by bob.sacha | Dec 8, 2011 | bob sacha, interview, place, story, What's New? the Blog
Ice Cube talks about the architects Charles and Ray Eames. No formal interview here and some really nice surprises too. “It’s not about the pieces, it’s about how the pieces work together.”...
by bob.sacha | Nov 14, 2011 | bob sacha, future, interview, What's New? the Blog
I’ve long been a fan of Ira Glass and This American Life, the wonderful radio show that is about nothing and everything at the same time. Watching this explanation of what it takes to be creative reminded me that I need to be producing more work. Anybody rather...
by bob.sacha | Oct 10, 2011 | bob sacha, commerce, interview, story, What's New? the Blog
Maybe ask Google?… the company, not just the search engine. They sponsored this short video story. A simple story, no narration, effective. One minute, 30 seconds. Nice use of music too....
by bob.sacha | Sep 22, 2011 | bob sacha, interview, still photos, story, What's New? the Blog
I love the radio show On The Media, hosted by Brooke Gladstone and Bob Garfield. It’s a show about us! I also enjoyed the story Brooke Gladstone tells to explain her book, The Influencing Machine.. Remember, great radio is about pictures....
by bob.sacha | Sep 16, 2011 | bob sacha, interview, issue, story, unfolding action, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
Tuesday night I watched If A Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front” on PBS’ POV. Why is this a gripping film? Because Marshall Curry, the film maker, was able to witness an unfolding action: the film allows us to live with defendant Daniel...