by Caroline Lewis | Apr 15, 2014 | advocacy, Film Fest 5_Toral 2014 Spring
The Hand That Feeds trailer from Robin Blotnick on Vimeo.
by bob.sacha | Aug 4, 2012 | advocacy, bob sacha, editing, issue, music, no interviews, What's New? the Blog
Here’s a lovely example of a powerful story using strong close-ups and a simple unfolding action. There is no interview, no narrator. It has great use of sound, editing techniques and music to build to a crescendo....
by bob.sacha | Apr 25, 2012 | advocacy, bob sacha, issue, What's New? the Blog
Issue stories can be boring and argumentative unless you think of telling them in a compelling way. Remember, good stories are often surprising…and advocacy doesn’t have to be a bad thing. ...
by bob.sacha | Mar 21, 2012 | advocacy, bob sacha, music, Video Storytelling, What's New? the Blog
I was struck with the beautiful visuals in this story, shot by Rick Gershon , a staff producer at MediaStorm. You can see that Rick’s sequential shooting and his use of closeups make this a very powerful visual story. You can watch a shorter version of the story...
by bob.sacha | Jan 17, 2012 | advocacy, bob sacha, interview, still photos, What's New? the Blog
John X. Carey mixes stills and video, video portraits, different interview styles and some wild editing, color grading and cool typography into an award winning short advocacy film. My favorite line is spoken by one of the characters. “Go! Go forward!”...