by craiggiammona | May 19, 2013 | - New York Stories of Fascinating People, Spring 2013, 2013 Spring, assignment TWO, New York Stories of Fascinating People, Spring 2013, S_2013AssignmentONE, Samantha Stark
Hoops and Tough Love with Coach Senior, by Craig Giammona Coach Mike Senior puts his players through the paces during a practice session in Bedford Stuyvesant. A coach for more than 50 years, senior uses a tough love approach to teach hard work and discipline as he...
by Sarah Khuwaja | Apr 21, 2013 | 2013 Spring, New York Stories of Fascinating People, Spring 2013, S_2013AssignmentONE
Bubble Man – by Sarah Khuwaja While it may not be the most conventional career, producing enormous soap bubbles in New York’s Central Park is Stephen Duncan’s passion. See transcript Transcript : I think the thing that...