by craiggiammona | May 19, 2013 | - New York Stories of Fascinating People, Spring 2013, 2013 Spring, assignment TWO, New York Stories of Fascinating People, Spring 2013, S_2013AssignmentONE, Samantha Stark
Hoops and Tough Love with Coach Senior, by Craig Giammona Coach Mike Senior puts his players through the paces during a practice session in Bedford Stuyvesant. A coach for more than 50 years, senior uses a tough love approach to teach hard work and discipline as he...
by craiggiammona | Apr 11, 2013 | New York Stories of Fascinating People, Spring 2013, SimonAssignmentOne
Arthur Arbit: Art and Fashion in Williamsburg by Craig Giammona Arthur Arbit, tailor and founder of Williambsurg Fashion Weekend, talks about his craft, making clothes, his velvet tuxedo and his ambitions for the future. See transcript Read Transcript: I grew up...
by craiggiammona | Feb 9, 2013 | Simon FimFest TWO