by bob.sacha | Jan 28, 2015 | 2014 Fall Toral, Issue Stories_Toral Fall 2014, Issue Video Stories_Toral VSW Fall 2014 |
Meet Maya and Phoenix… two brave trans women who have faced many challenges in their lives. Despite them all, they have gotten back up, stronger than ever overcoming obstacles and calling themselves “survivors,” because that’s what they are at...
by bob.sacha | Jan 28, 2015 | 2014 Fall Toral, Issue Video Stories_Toral VSW Fall 2014 Joel Daniels, a.k.a. MaG, is a spoken word poet whose music is inspired by inequalities he’s seen living in the Bronx and in Manhattan. He talks about racial profiling by police and how people view him differently because of his skin...
by Jenna O'Donnell | Dec 21, 2014 | Issue Stories_Toral Fall 2014, Issue Video Stories_Toral VSW Fall 2014 In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, thousands homeowners along the shores of New Jersey, New York and Connecticut — most only recently renovated post-Sandy– must embark on a costly process to elevate their homes as they try to...
by Valentina Cordero | Dec 20, 2014 | 2014 Fall Toral, Issue Video Stories_Toral VSW Fall 2014, Where does this go?
by Camilo Gomez | Dec 19, 2014 | Issue Video Stories_Toral VSW Fall 2014
There are more than 220 venues in Manhattan where people can listen to live jazz, including clubs, restaurants and bars, but also music schools and concert halls. Yet it is hard for a musician to find a steady gig, let alone one that pays well. Yuki Futami, 27, is one...
by Camilo Gomez | Nov 12, 2014 | 2014 Fall Toral, Film Fest 5_Toral 2014 Fall, Where does this go?
by Stefani Kim | Nov 10, 2014 | 2014 Fall Toral, Film Fest 5_Toral 2014 Fall
by Valentina Cordero | Nov 8, 2014 | 2014 Fall Toral, Film Fest 5_Toral 2014 Fall®ion=video-grid&version=video-grid-headline&contentCollection=Times+Video&contentPlacement=4&module=recent-videos&action=click...
by Denisse Moreno | Nov 8, 2014 | Odd Job Stories_Toral 2014 Fall
The story of 19-year-old jazz player Alfredo Colon, based in Harlem. By Denisse...
by Almudena Toral | Nov 7, 2014 | 2014 Fall Toral, Film Fest 5_Toral 2014 Fall
by Mariana Marcaletti | Nov 5, 2014 | Odd Job Stories_Toral 2014 Fall, Where does this go?
by Jenna O'Donnell | Nov 5, 2014 | Odd Job Stories_Toral 2014 Fall, Where does this go? In a tiny West Village shop, frozen in time, horologist Grace Szuwala keeps New Yorkers’ clocks and watches ticking. See transcript Transcript : Years ago there were only mechanical watches. Now you have battery watches, sports...
by Camilo Gomez | Nov 3, 2014 | 2014 Fall Toral, Odd Job Stories_Toral 2014 Fall
Piecing time together – by Camilo Gomez Grace Szuwala is a clockmaker in a trade dominated by men. One that is also going through a slow decline… See transcript Transcript : For me, the most intriguing thing is, if somebody...