What is the difference between broadcast video and video for the web? Adam Westbrook helps explain it a bit by detailing five things to avoid in web video that have become cliche’s in broadcast video.

I especially like the discussion about the “eye line” or the direction of the gaze of interview subjects.Michael Rosenblum makes a great point that the online viewer can be engaged when the subject looks at the camera–and thus at the viewer– instead of looking off into the distance where the famous tv correspondent is sitting and nodding her head.

Case in point here in this interview from Fog of War, an amazing Academy Award winning documentary film by Errol Morris that breaks so many conventions that it made my head spin. (you can see the entire movie on google tv.) Let’s start by having a single subject onscreen for most of the movie. I still remember being blown away when I first saw this film and it remains one of my favorite documentary films.

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A very interesting post about what is different between broadcast video and online video.


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