by isabelriofrio | May 15, 2015 | spring2015 New York Stories of Compelling Issues, Student Stories Spring 2015
Funeral Cosmetologist Isaiah Owens turned death into a beauty matter following his signature believe “beauty softens grief”. The rest of the story Isaiah Owens has worked as a funeral cosmetologist for 46 years. His curiosity for funerals...
by Patrick Donachie | May 15, 2015 | 2015_Spring, spring2015 New York Stories of Compelling Issues, Student Stories Spring 2015
Ramón Eduardo founded Il Forno Bakery ten years ago, and daughter Jenny co-manages the bakery with her father. Ramón’s son, Ramón, Jr., pitches in as well. The three reveal the challenges of their industry and the difficulties of maintaining a family business. ...
by bob.sacha | May 15, 2015 | 2015_Spring, spring2015 New York Stories of Compelling Issues
Replace this line with Your 240 character description The rest of the story Jessica’s syory Transcript jessica’s transcript For more information, contact jessica’s contact...
by Emilie Pons | May 14, 2015 | 2015_Spring, spring2015 New York Stories of Compelling Issues, Student Stories Spring 2015
As the recent events have proven, racial tensions are still prevalent in the United States today. Trumpet player Nicholas Player believes jazz music should be called Black American Music. Some African American jazz musicians still feel like they are not treated as...
by bob.sacha | May 2, 2015 | 2015_Spring, spring2015 New York Stories of Compelling Issues, Student Stories Spring 2015
What does it take to become a professional MMA fighter? Dedication. Endurance. Training. Amateur fighter Danny O’Chart Amateur fighter Danny O’Chart has all three but in New York, he won’t be able to fight professionally. New York is the only state that bans...
by bob.sacha | May 1, 2015 | 2015_Spring, spring2015 New York Stories of Compelling Issues, Student Stories Spring 2015
As U.S. and Iran try to improve their political relationship, Amir Vahab, a renowned Persian and Turkish Sufi musician living in New York City, reflects on his experience and passion about the spiritual music in this short film, “Internal Revolution,” by...
by Kanyakrit Vongkiatkajorn | Apr 30, 2015 | 2015_Spring, s2015_Fff5, Team Fantastic Spring 2015
by kathrynlong | Apr 29, 2015 | 2015_Spring, s2015_Fff5, Team Fantastic Spring 2015
by Samuel Lieberman | Apr 29, 2015 | 2015_Spring, s2015_Fff5, Team Fantastic Spring 2015, Where does this go?
by aldennusser | Apr 28, 2015 | 2015_Spring, s2015_Fff5, Team Fantastic Spring 2015
by anarodriguez | Apr 24, 2015 | 2015_Spring, s2015_Tff5, Team Tremendous
by Bianca Silva | Mar 26, 2015 | 2015_Spring, spring2015 Amazing odd jobs in New York City, Student Stories Spring 2015
Lloyd Ultan, 77, has been the Bronx Borough Historian since 1996. He is also a professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey where he teaches various history courses. The rest of the story Lloyd Ultan, 77, is a...
by Luke Tress | Mar 26, 2015 | 2015_Spring, spring2015 Amazing odd jobs in New York City
Marsha Trattner is an artist/blacksmith in Brooklyn, and the only person teaching the ancient art of blacksmithing in New York City The rest of the story Marsha came across blacksmithing by accident after meeting some artists with a forge behind a squat...
by anarodriguez | Mar 26, 2015 | 2015_Spring, spring2015 Amazing odd jobs in New York City
Password: fur Sight, Fashion and Style A furrier who for over 60 years had sold more than fur coats to women in New York City. Character description: Leonard Kahn is the last furrier of a generation that once had 14 family members working in the fur industry....
by bob.sacha | Mar 26, 2015 | 2015_Spring, spring2015 Amazing odd jobs in New York City, Student Stories Spring 2015
Marsha Trattner is a sculptor and an artist. She’s also a blacksmith— the only one to teach this ancient art in New York City. The rest of the story Marsha Trattner was a sculptor. She then discovered blacksmithing and came to the realization that...