OLD_Film Festival One…. due at 5pm, Sunday Sept 04

click this link to VOTE here before 5pm on Tuesday

Please add

Your Name…

Name of your video

just drop the url into the page. add a dotted line after your video post


Here’s an example:


Bob Sacha

The Johnny Cash Project

to see how this crowd sourced video was created, check out The Johnny Cash Project


YouTube Preview Image

Cheryl Chan

Move by Rick Mereki

“3 guys, 44 days, 11 countries, 18 flights, 38 thousand miles, an exploding volcano, 2 cameras and almost a terabyte of footage… all to turn 3 ambitious linear concepts based on movement, learning and food ….into 3 beautiful and hopefully compelling short films…..” my response: just wow.



Zach Kussin

“Concrete Gold”




Tim Verheyden

Last minutes with Oden – vimeo.com/8191217


Vincent Trivett

Symmetry  – http://vimeo.com/22564317


Ian Thomas

The Mountain


Kevin Sheehan

Not the most sophisticated, but it never fails to draw a crowd:


Channon Hodge

Pat – A Documentary Short by Nathaniel Hanson

Interesting tidbit – This guy pays for a lot of his projects through Kickstarter


Nathan Frandino


Break from Pat Shannahan on Vimeo.


Patrick Wall

London Bus Tour


Nida Najar




Jacqueline Vergara

Advanced Style: Age and Beauty

Advanced Style: Age and Beautyfrom Ari Cohen on Nowness.com.


Ian Chant


Lisha Arino
Passions: Club Puck by Lipo Ching for the San Jose Mercury News


Dan Rosenblum

“Welcome to Titusville”

What happens to a town after the main industry – in this case, space travel — goes away? When the “solid, white monuments” disappear? This video combines modern documentary and file footage to look at the future of Titusville, Florida. (It’s a little long, so jump in for the last few minutes.)

Paul DeBenedetto
“New York Reacts,” by Ray Farkas

With searing precision and emotional honesty, New York Reacts places us right in Manhattan, two days after the Twin Towers fell. We hear as New Yorkers try to make sense of their anger and understand the unimaginable. See the project at http://mediastorm.com/publication/new-york-reacts
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