OLD_Film Festival THREE…. due at 5pm, Sunday, Sept 18

click this link to VOTE here before 5pm on Tuesday

Please add

Your Name…

Name of your video

just drop the url into the page. add a dotted line after your video post

Here’s an example:

Bob Sacha
Drive Recklessly


Cheryl Chan

‘Best in Show II’ — This Time It’s for Real

-From the NYTimes Lens Blog, behind the scenes look at Fred Conrad, photographer, attempting to photograph the dogs.



Vincent Trivett



Zach Kussin

Venezuela’s Prison Paradise




Channon Hodge

I keep putting in one NYTimes Health video and then changing to another.

Last Chances, First Responses:


Tim Verheyden – 3 minute wonder on Patrick Duffy


Lisha Arino
“Splitscreen: A Love Story” by JW Griffiths
Fun fact: This was shot entirely on a Nokia cell phone.

Splitscreen: A Love Story from JW Griffiths on Vimeo.



Jacqueline Vergara
“Day in the Life of a Bicycle”
by Mateo Vega

Day in the Life of a Bicycle [Short Film] from Mateo Vega on Vimeo.


Patrick Wall

“Life and Death in Juarez: A Day with the Body Collectors,” Travis Fox (Washington Post)

His Vimeo page has a lot of other great videos from WaPo and elsewhere.


Nathan Frandino

Dark Side of the Lens

DARK SIDE OF THE LENS from Astray Films on Vimeo.


Dan Rosenblum

Day of Light



Paul DeBenedetto

Winters of My Life from Jonathan Burhop on Vimeo.

Kevin Sheehan
“Motorcycle Texting”



Ian Thomas




Nida Najar

Las Calles De Borges


Ian Chant

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