Film Festival SACHA

Something simple can be so profound…

Some of Bob Sacha’s favorite cool, short documentary web videos from Vimeo

Fill in the Blanks

Made by Everynone (in Collaboration with WNYC’s Radiolab & NPR)

A self portrait that is lovely and surpring

Here’s what the film maker wrote:
This is a short film about my job as a Projectionist. I am quite proud of this film, mostly because I’m so proud of my job – it seems like a fulfilment of my childhood romantic notions of what I wanted to be when I grew up. Nonetheless what it most discernibly omits is how truly magnificent all the other staff are who work there too. It is dedicated to the other projectionists I know; some of whom are under threat of redundancy, and unquestionably to Sammy; for the lessons and facts about Projection.

Beautifully shot and edited with the interview telling you about his emotions and the images telling you about his world.

Here’s what the film maker wrote: A short film about custom motorcycle engineer shinya kimura @ chabott engineering, directed by Henrik Hansen, shot on the Canon 5D and 7D.


Here’s what the film makers wrote: Thank You to the Gorman family for opening your lives and allowing us this moment. Its amazing how fragile this life really is. For more information on Penny and to help the Gorman family visit (

and one that always makes me cry, and often gets people totally angry too: (from the same folks who made Pennie’s HEART (above)

Here’s what the film makers wrote: Thank You Jason Wood for allowing us this moment.May he rest in peace and his memory be eternal.

Press Pause Play A movie about the digital revolution. Here are the trailers:
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